Descubra como o novo mecanismo de busca AI está aprimorando o ChatGPT SEO da Perplexity AI! 🤯

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Exploring Perplexity AI: A Comprehensive Review

Hello and welcome back to my channel! In this video, we’re going to delve into the world of perplexity AI and see just how good it really is. Perplexity AI is a research-driven version of chat GPT that aims to provide accurate and reliable information. Let’s see how it performs in various scenarios.

Testing Perplexity on Familiar Topics

I decided to start by testing perplexity on a topic that I am very familiar with: the best suit brands. I listed a few top brands and was impressed to see that perplexity provided sources for all the information it presented. This added credibility to the answers it provided.

Next, I asked perplexity about the most expensive suit brands in the world. Once again, it gave accurate answers and even provided related information at the bottom of the response. This feature is great for building topical authority within an article.

Utilizing Perplexity for Amazon Research

One interesting use case for perplexity is in conducting research on Amazon products. I searched for the best self-inflating mattresses and was pleased to see that perplexity provided a concise summary of the top options available. It even included links to the products, making it easy to include in affiliate website articles.

By utilizing perplexity, you can quickly gather information on specific products and dimensions, making it a valuable tool for niche affiliate websites. The ability to extract data without the need for extensive research can save time and effort in creating quality content.

Creating Articles with Perplexity

After gathering all the necessary research using perplexity, you can further enhance your content by converting the information into articles. By inputting the data into chat GPT and specifying formatting options, you can generate well-structured articles with minimal effort.

It is important to ensure that the content generated is unique and not plagiarized. By checking the originality of the text, you can maintain the integrity of your articles and avoid any issues with duplicate content.

Final Thoughts

Overall, perplexity AI proves to be a valuable tool for conducting research, generating content, and building authority in niche websites. Its ability to provide reliable information and streamline the writing process makes it a must-have resource for content creators.

Thank you for watching and I hope this review of perplexity AI has been helpful. Stay tuned for more content and updates in the future. Peace out!

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