10 Best Chat GPT Prompts to Make Money Online
In this video I’m going to show you the 10 best Chat GPT prompts to help you make money online and examples of each one. So make sure you watch this entire video to learn which ones to use and how to use them.
Hi, my name is Austin Godwell with alstonguidewell.com. I create content to actually help you make money online and not just to put money into my own pockets. If you want to be added to this globe, simply reply or comment down below with your city, state, province, country, and I’ll get you in.
Act as an Expert
One of the problems with Chat GPT is that everyone tells you that it’s a great way to make money online, but nobody tells you which prompts to use. The first prompt is to act as an expert. By telling Chat GPT to act as an expert in a field, you can get more specific and detailed information.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Chat GPT
To get the most out of Chat GPT, it’s important to use specific tips. This prompt will help you identify key strategies for maximizing your use of Chat GPT for your specific industry or niche.
Common Pain Points
Identifying common pain points that potential customers may have when looking to purchase a product or service can help you tailor your marketing strategy and offerings to better meet their needs.
Develop a Bundle Product Offering
Creating a bundled product offering that prioritizes customer experience can help differentiate your business and attract more customers. This prompt will help you identify the key elements of such an offering.
Key Elements of Marketing Strategies
Understanding the key elements of marketing strategies in your industry can help you improve your own approach and stand out from the competition. This prompt will help you analyze and optimize your marketing tactics.
Analyze Competition
Analyzing your competition can help you identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a strategy to differentiate your business. This prompt will guide you in conducting a competitive analysis in your industry.
Creating an AIDA Model
Creating an AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) for your target audience can help you craft compelling marketing messages and drive conversions. This prompt will help you structure your marketing communications for maximum impact.
Topic Cluster
Creating a topic cluster around a specific industry or niche can help you generate content ideas and engage your audience across different platforms. This prompt will guide you in developing a content strategy based on relevant topics.
Social Media Ideas
Generating social media ideas for a company or specific target audience can help you create engaging content that resonates with your followers. This prompt will provide you with a list of ideas for creating TikTok videos for affiliate marketers targeting men over 40.
Lead Magnet Ideas
Developing lead magnet ideas for a specific audience segment can help you attract and convert more leads. This prompt will help you brainstorm ideas for lead magnets aimed at men over 40 looking to lose weight.
Now that you’ve seen these 10 best Chat GPT prompts to help you make money online, click the first link in the description for my free affiliate marketing planners. These planners will help you plan and organize your affiliate marketing business for success.
Watch this video next because YouTube says it will help you grow your online business.