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HTML Titles:

1. How to Use the Chat OCR JGPD Plugin for Document Text Extraction
2. Enabling and Installing the Chat OCR JGPD Plugin in Your Chechibd Account
3. Using the Chat OCR JGPD Plugin to Extract Text from Images and PDFs
4. Example of Using the Chat OCR JGPD Plugin to Read Text from an Image
5. Exploring Other JGPD Plugins for Various Use Cases and Industries
6. Accessing the Complete Chat GPT Plugin Database for Free Downloads and Updates
7. Subscribe for More Chat GPT Plugin Tutorials on YouTube Channel
8. Leveraging Chat GPT Plugins for Productivity, Business, and Research Applications
9. Supporting the Maintenance and Updates of Chat GPT Plugin Database with Donations
10. Conclusion: Enhancing Document Text Extraction with Chat OCR JGPD Plugin

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