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How to Make $169.75 a Day with ChatGPT4

How to Make $169.75 a Day with ChatGPT4

This is the way you can earn five thousand and one hundred dollars in one month using the gpt4 chat, which is $169.75 per day. Go to the video description and download the e-book, don’t worry, it’s completely free and it’s made entirely by me so you have all the rights to use it in any way you like. After downloading the PDF file, open it in Adobe Acrobat. If you don’t have it, you can download it for free along with the link provided in my description. We will use this e-book as a free gift to make money from it. Referral commissions remain till the end where I will tell you how you can double your commissions.

Now, scroll down to see this text, then click on the ‘Edit PDF’ option and choose the ‘Buy Now’ option. Then go to the Link tab, click on the first option, draw a box around the ‘Buy Now’ text in the link action section, select open web page in the link appearance section, choose the link type to be invisible and underline to be none, then click on Next. Now go to Amazon, in case you don’t have it, you can easily create an Amazon Associates account. If you have an account, you will see this toolbar at the top. Look for the next product, in this case, it’s Vitamin A. Select the product you find desirable and I will choose this as recommended by Amazon. In the top left corner, you’ll see the ‘Get Link’ option, click on text link, copy the short link, then go back to Adobe Acrobat, paste the link and click OK. Every time someone clicks on this link, they will be redirected to Amazon and when they make a purchase, you’ll earn a commission. Repeat this with all the products.

I tried to make everything as easy as possible for you, but I’m sorry for adding Amazon affiliate links as you might not forgive me for this part that you have to do. Now we have to promote this e-book, so choose any good email provider, there are many, but I’ll go with Awber. Click on the pages and forms option, select the intended page, then click on create. You have already created a page, now to customize the intended page according to your preferences, I replaced the Awber logo with the e-book image that I provided a download link for. There are four types of images you can choose, select the image you want. After setting the image, click on the box that says send email, then click on the send box, at the bottom of the thank you page, there’s a Dropbox list, click on it and select the custom URL option, then select the open in new window box. Now go to Google Drive and upload the e-book, then select change the share option to anyone with the link, then copy the link and select done. Return to your intended page and paste this link in the custom URL box, click preview to see how everything looks perfect. Now preview the page, it looks perfect to me, go back to the editor and click on save and exit on the right side, then click on the three dots, and select publish, copy the URL and save it somewhere, click ‘done’.

Go to Quora if you don’t have an account, easily go to search and write something related to dietary supplements. I’ll specifically look for weight loss dietary supplements now. Look for the questions that have been followed recently, click on any question, then click on answer now, copy the question and go to ChatGPT and paste it here, then click enter. After creating the answer, copy it and paste it here. After that, if you’re interested in the mentioned supplements, you can get complete information about them here or you can write anything you want to write.

Disclaimer: This is a fictional narrative for demonstration purposes.

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