How I Discovered a $300,000 per Year Job Opportunity with ChatGPT and a Surprising Twist

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Using Chat GPT to Land Your Dream Job

Did you know that there is a way that right now anyone can make more money and I don’t talk about this much because I’m an entrepreneur I hate 9 to-5 but the reality is only 9% of Americans are self-employed so almost everyone is at a 9 to-5 job and for most people the best way to make more money right now today is to either get a better job that pays more or find a better job and use that to increase your pay at your current employment and most people don’t like searching because it’s a headache you got to find the job then you have to somehow put together a resume and it’s what do I put on there then you have to go through interviews which makes people nervous it’s like what questions are they going to ask

I want to show you how to use chat GPT very easily to land your dream job or at the very least see what’s out there it’s also going to just give you some creativity on ways that you can use chat GPT just to make your life better in general so first off we’re going to be using some chat GPT plugins so you do have to have the plus plan and I know it’s 20 $20 per month some people don’t want to do that what I recommend cancel Netflix get chat GPT plus okay let me say louder for those in the back cancel Spotify Premium Disney Plus Hulu and get chat PT Plus okay $20 a month is ridiculous some people don’t even know that chat GPT has plugins so again want to show you what some of them can do it’s pretty crazy out there so we’re going to use chat gbt to do a few things here so first thing you’re going to do is you’re going to go to chat GPT and when you pay for plus there’s three options there’s chat GPT 4 3.5 and plugins four has like images and all that type of stuff but there’s plugins go to plugins and the plugins we’re going to download you go to the plugin store and for starters we’re going to just do job search so install this one you can do job search by indeed but that’s not working right now so Chad GPT is a little bit of the Wild West okay so some of these plugins they work and the next day they don’t but this job search one is pretty good here then I also want you to install job interview install this one here and then I also want you to install Easy resume okay and we might install more as we go on so then you’re going to go to these plugins here as you can see I have a lot of plugins but I want you to enable easy resumé job search and job interview to start with you can only enable three at a time but we are going to use more the first thing that we’re going to type in is please find me remote PHP software development jobs okay this was like my original job as a PHP develop veler nice you can see It’ll be using job search okay so it gave me a few suggestions so you can those you can go look at the jobs themselves if you want to here you can specify actually no I’d like ones in Lincoln Nebraska or I’d like ones that also talk about software as a service or JavaScript and you can do this for any job doesn’t have to be PHP developer you could be Carpenter like Jesus so next let’s go ahead and generate a resume for this job so let’s take number one let’s say number one create an ideal candidate resume for that job so again it’s using easy resume if you want to see what it’s doing you can see the code that it’s running which is cool so now it’s giving you a resume kind of a resume template so let’s see what it came up with here so what it’s done here is giving you what the resume might look like for an ideal candidate so again if you want to create your resume based on this template here you can do that what I’m going to do I’m going to go to my LinkedIn so I’m on my LinkedIn page I’m just going to copy and paste everything on my LinkedIn page take my LinkedIn page and try and make a perfect resume for that number one job and this is one of the most powerful things that I think you can use chat GPT for is it can sort through data very quickly if I told you just copy and paste my LinkedIn page and make a resume out of it that would take a chunk of time at least okay so took my info and created a resume for James Pelton Taylor for specifically that different resume for each job so let’s see what it came up with here so it put together a resume here and one thing I really like that it did is it actually reordered my jobs you’ll notice my LinkedIn the first thing on my LinkedIn is that I am an influencer and then an investor and then my business that I ran then software engineer some of my software jobs I had before that but you’ll see on my resume they moved things around they put what they thought would be best for a PHP developer they put the business I started and then they talk about how PHP was used in that job then they put my software jobs next then they put influencer and they talk about some of the skills I didn’t put this on my LinkedIn again chat GPT came up with this chat GPT put hey how would running a YouTube channel help you as a develop in here even as an investor applying analytical and strategic skills so I love that it it took my LinkedIn page just made this then there’s even one step further you notice this is an ugly resume right you wouldn’t want to turn this into anyone which I mean you can use like a some kind of resume creator and just use the template that they give you here but another trick we’ll add one more trick here I’m going to disable the job search plug-in I’m going to put the access PDF export plugin on please take this resume and I’ll just paste it I think they could go look it up but I’m just going to paste it here please take this resume and make it a beauty I remember how to spell beautiful from Bruce Almighty B EA you beautiful please take this resume and make it a beautiful resume that I can send to the employer then I’m just going to get copy and paste if you wanted to you could just submit this resume but it doesn’t actually look that great right it’s not visually appealing so one more thing I’m going to do I’m going to turn on access PDF export plug-in and I’m going to say take this resume and please generate a beautiful PDF resume that I can give to the employer and then again I just pasted the data from this ugly resume while we’re waiting for that if you’re looking for other ways to make extra income today I’ve put together the top eight ways to make extra income right now I’ll leave a link to this down below you just put in your name email download your guide nice AI generated image of what’s in there you’ll get that in your email right away so back to chat GPT I’ve created a pdf version of the resume you can download it here so let’s see what they got for us here okay and it looks a little better so again you might want to change this based on different things obviously put in your real email your real phone number I would recommend if you don’t have certifications or references just leave those off don’t uh don’t put them in there okay so now you’ve used chat GPT to find your job create your resume one last thing that we can do is the job interview so again I’m going to have you enable the job interview plugin please do a practice interview for job number one so now what this will do is it’ll take that number one one position the PHP developer for that ninja company sounds cool Network ninja and it’ll give sample questions and chat GPT will even give you feedback on your answers can you describe a challenging PHP project you worked on what was the challenge and how did you overcome it what would you say based on my resume so based on your resume a suitable response could be this and it gives me an answer based on my previous work history then you can put in your answers let’s say you want to say I don’t know and then chat GPT specific specifically this job interview plugin will tell you hey that’s not a good answer they say it very politely don’t know is not a good answer because and then it tells you what you can put in an answer basically you can do this to go through the job interview process get the types of questions that they’re going to ask so that should be good for you found a job created a resume made it look nice exported it got some job interview questions now go out land your dream job and if you’re looking for other ways to make more money check out this video that I just did on five things you can do right now to make more money and as always we’re not looking to make more money just so we can buy more things for ourselves but Jesus says it makes you happier to give to other people then receive for yourself first Thessalonians says work hard so that you have enough for yourself and also enough to share with other people so that’s what we want to do as followers of him the Lord bless you and keep you and hope you all have a great rest of your day thanks

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